SNAP Test 2024 will be conducted in 80 cities all over India.
1 | Agra | 28 | Guntur | 55 | Mysuru (Mysore) |
2 | Ahmedabad | 29 | Guwahati | 56 | Nagpur |
3 | Ajmer | 30 | Gwalior | 57 | Nashik |
4 | Aligarh | 31 | Hubballi | 58 | New Delhi - Gurugram |
5 | Ambala | 32 | Hyderabad | 59 | Noida |
6 | Amravati | 33 | Indore | 60 | Panjim - Mapusa |
7 | Amritsar | 34 | Jabalpur | 61 | Patiala |
8 | Asansol | 35 | Jaipur | 62 | Patna |
9 | Aurangabad | 36 | Jalandhar | 63 | Prayagraj |
10 | Bareilly | 37 | Jammu | 64 | Pune |
11 | Belagavi (Belgaum) | 38 | Jamshedpur | 65 | Raipur |
12 | Bengaluru | 39 | Jodhpur | 66 | Rajkot |
13 | Bhilai Nagar | 40 | Kakinada | 67 | Ranchi |
14 | Bhopal | 41 | Kalyani - Hooghly | 68 | Roorkee |
15 | Bhubaneswar | 42 | Kanpur | 69 | Rourkela |
16 | Bilaspur – Chattisgarh | 43 | Kolhapur | 70 | Shillong |
17 | Chandigarh - Mohali | 44 | Kolkata - Howrah | 71 | Shimla |
18 | Chennai | 45 | Kota | 72 | Siliguri |
19 | Coimbatore | 46 | Kottayam | 73 | Surat |
20 | Dehradun | 47 | Kozhikode | 74 | Thiruvananthapuram |
21 | Dhanbad | 48 | Kurnool | 75 | Thrissur |
22 | Dibrugarh | 49 | Lucknow | 76 | Udaipur |
23 | Ernakulam - Kochi | 50 | Madurai | 77 | Vadodara |
24 | Faridabad | 51 | Mangaluru (Mangalore) | 78 | Varanasi |
25 | Gandhinagar | 52 | Meerut | 79 | Vijayawada |
26 | Ghaziabad | 53 | Moradabad | 80 | Visakhapatnam |
27 | Greater Noida | 54 | Mumbai - Navi Mumbai - Thane |
*SIU reserves the right to add/delete/change the test cities due to unavoidable circumstances without prior intimation.
No request for a change of test date or test city will be entertained once a candidate has paid the SNAP Test registration fee. Test City and Test Date are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. The earlier you pay, the higher are your chances to obtain a test date and test city of your choice. The Test Timing, Test Centre and its address will be printed on the Admit Card. (The Admit Card will be live on the SNAP website
SIU reserves the right to change or allot a city other than the one requested by the candidate if the requested city is not available for any reason.
While all efforts will be made to ensure that a candidate gets a test city as per her/his preferences, however, in some exceptional circumstances, a different test city in a nearby area may be allotted. Computer-based testing is a proven and reliable process administered to tens of millions of people yearly. As with paper and pencil testing, or virtually every other human endeavour, many problems could occur that might prevent a test from being delivered and/or a result from being generated. In the unlikely event this does occur, every effort will be made to correct the problem, up to and including the administration of another test.
SNAP Test 2024 will be conducted in 80 cities all over India.
1 | Agra |
2 | Ahmedabad |
3 | Ajmer |
4 | Aligarh |
5 | Ambala |
6 | Amravati |
7 | Amritsar |
8 | Asansol |
9 | Aurangabad |
10 | Bareilly |
11 |
Belagavi (Belgaum)
12 | Bengaluru |
13 | Bhilai Nagar |
14 | Bhopal |
15 |
16 | Bilaspur – Chattisgarh |
17 |
Chandigarh - Mohali
18 | Chennai |
19 | Coimbatore |
20 | Dehradun |
21 | Dhanbad |
22 | Dibrugarh |
23 |
Ernakulam - Kochi
24 | Faridabad |
25 | Gandhinagar |
26 | Ghaziabad |
27 |
Greater Noida
28 | Guntur |
29 | Guwahati |
30 | Gwalior |
31 | Hubballi |
32 | Hyderabad |
33 | Indore |
34 | Jabalpur |
35 | Jaipur |
36 | Jalandhar |
37 | Jammu |
38 | Jamshedpur |
39 | Jodhpur |
40 | Kakinada |
41 |
Kalyani - Hooghly
42 | Kanpur |
43 | Kolhapur |
44 |
Kolkata - Howrah
45 | Kota |
46 | Kottayam |
47 | Kozhikode |
48 | Kurnool |
49 | Lucknow |
50 | Madurai |
51 |
Mangaluru (Mangalore)
52 | Meerut |
53 | Moradabad |
54 |
Mumbai - Navi Mumbai - Thane
55 |
Mysuru (Mysore)
56 | Nagpur |
57 | Nashik |
58 |
New Delhi - Gurugram
59 | Noida |
60 |
Panjim - Mapusa
61 | Patiala |
62 | Patna |
63 | Prayagraj |
64 | Pune |
65 | Raipur |
66 | Rajkot |
67 | Ranchi |
68 | Roorkee |
69 | Rourkela |
70 | Shillong |
71 | Shimla |
72 | Siliguri |
73 | Surat |
74 |
75 | Thrissur |
76 | Udaipur |
77 | Vadodara |
78 | Varanasi |
79 | Vijayawada |
80 |
*SIU reserves the right to add/delete/change the test cities due to unavoidable circumstances without prior intimation.
No request for a change of test date or test city will be entertained once a candidate has paid the SNAP Test registration fee. Test City and Test Date are allocated on a first come, first serve basis. The earlier you pay, the higher are your chances to obtain a test date and test city of your choice. The Test Timing, Test Centre and its address will be printed on the Admit Card. (The Admit Card will be live on the SNAP website
SIU reserves the right to change or allot a city other than the one requested by the candidate if the requested city is not available for any reason.
While all efforts will be made to ensure that a candidate gets a test city as per her/his preferences, however, in some exceptional circumstances, a different test city in a nearby area may be allotted. Computer-based testing is a proven and reliable process administered to tens of millions of people yearly. As with paper and pencil testing, or virtually every other human endeavour, many problems could occur that might prevent a test from being delivered and/or a result from being generated. In the unlikely event this does occur, every effort will be made to correct the problem, up to and including the administration of another test.